Armenia is shelling the central hospital, city policlinics, and the medical diagnostic center in the Azerbaijani city of Barda. Large casualties among civilians! So a baby is found abandoned and 18 women end up naked for an internal search at an airport in the middle east but how else do they find and charge the woman? Lol, I can tell you, after both my kids, you wouldn't even be able to tell I had them. Internals are done so they can see who just ditched their kid I see nothing wrong with what they did. blood tests, cameras, investigating like normal countries. if you notice in the article it never stated they even found her. For all, we know she was in the airport leaving to go home in Qatar, or a flight attendant, or maybe she was terrified. Do you know the punishment for having a baby before you married in Qatar? It's severe.Biden/Harris 2020.
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