We have always had cats and dogs that have got on, never any problems they used to sleep together, it seems to be some owners that create the Supernatural 2005 2020 15 seasons 327 episodes carry on my wayward son shirt between them. What a strange life !animals become more compassionate than humans. If you have ever seen a dog kindly pick up a kitten who has wandered off from the main litter and bring it back, you'll know they do get along very well. My two cats and dog are almost inseparable. e have a 25kg male staffy, a 3.5kg female cat and a 5.5kg male cat and you can guess who runs the house! People always use animal posts to knock the human race. Pathetic. Please learn to feel shame. What a lovely story. She is so good with them, so beautiful to see. The animal is definitely better than us sorry excuses for human beings, more loyal, loving, and caring.
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