It certainly did reshape the modern world. Since the Snoopy and Woodstock I’m not Arguing I’m explaining why I’m right shirt of Germany, they've gone from strength the strength leading the way of the EU so they can achieve by stealth what they failed to do in 2 world wars. And look at what came after! Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and not forgetting Sangatte!! the list goes on, one border opened Pandora’s box! Was it a good thing? A lot of East Germans think not? It is a property dispute. Court studied well and taken a most suitable stand and ensured justice to all. Lord Ram waited for more than 500 years and litigated for more than 100 years to get his place restored. Those who believe in creationism may take it as a victory of their belief as to the desire of God. Those who don't believe in God may take it as the power of human beings to decide about God. So, it's the victory of all.
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