Did you know when the Rohinga genocide happened people of Myanmar on FB were calling Rohinga people separatist/terrorists/intruders! Their beloved Suu Kyi went to ICC and world media and defended that genocide shamelessly. Its everywhere go and see the arrogance on her face. I too want Myanmar to find peace and democracy but ffs don't tell me that the Burmese people or their Suu Kyi gave a ff about the Rohinga people. The world should stand by Burmese people against the military. However must not forget that genocide of Rohinga people was committed by the military with the support of Suu Kyi and silent approval of the Burmese people.The world needs to act on this one. Tiananmen square 89 should be a clear reminder of what this bs is capable of. These people are unhappy for good reason and so should the rest of the world.
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