Sounds like your own self-righteousness seeping through, hypocrite. The left actually has some footing after decades of free speech silencing, deportation, arrests, and murder. Look up how many “Red Scares” there have been. You’re playing such a victim. James Ferguson Everyone who isn’t them as they whine about free speech. After a time, it just sucks the air out of the room and is realized to be empty. How many years now has it been where they’ve self-evidently proven they can speak? Sorry, but everyone is not an answer. One would think that if this were a real issue you have little difficulty forking over a name or two or three. It seems all sides have the same attitude now of if you don't agree with what I say you are not relevant and you have no voice. Gone are the days where a difference of opinion was acceptable and at the end of the conversation you just parted still friends. Now you have people saying if you don't share my point of view you cannot be my friend, they act worse then 5-year-olds squabbling in the playground. Buy it here: Marvel Avengers endgame Catvengers shirt
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