Why are you on social media if you don't want to talk to people? its really a simple thing. justs let ppl visit your website. that way, no one has to see you screaming obscenities at someone who just thought your last role was a bit wooden. They don't manage their own feeds. Virtual Assistants do. If they're not cock-blocking trolls they need to be fired. Period. celebs operate differently from normal people who can block idiots in a second. Usually the more spotlight on them the better really..the problem is a lot of them engage with the I was going to be a democrat for Halloween but my head wouldn’t fit up my ass shirt posts and give them what they want. How about nurturing a society which doesn't have to troll others, instead of circumventing the issue, like humans always do? Don't feed the trolls. Eventually, they starve to death. However, the term troll is so overused. Someone that disagrees with you is not a troll.
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