I’ve just watched some of this. Blocking roads and having vehicles stopped for periods of time with engines running is always a very educated way of helping climate control. Without even reading this article, I get a feeling that by 2020, we are going to start cleaning our bullet holes with our fingers. Use less paper. Writes it on paper. So we are not coming out of an ice age like the academic professor with 30 years experience told us, and the Holy with a hint of hood pray with me don’t play with me shirt is warming up itself. It’s us tiny insects doing the damage, ok. Can all these people as part of a protest plant a tree or make a garden? That would be more helpful than an aimless protest. Hey, adults are allowed to waste their time and cause even more pollution, why not the kids too? Hypocritical from this lot don't they use electronics or go on holidays on tanked up airplanes or go out in cars this such a load of rubbish.
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