I have an honest question for anyone claiming "we voted so we should leave," and calling a second vote undemocratic. If the people really want out, then why is a second vote such a bad thing? Surely it would have the same result, and confirm the public's opinion. And how is another vote undemocratic? Giving people the chance to change their mind is fundamental to democracy, otherwise we would just vote one party in and they would be in power forever. Give people a chance to change their minds, and if the people still want to leave, a second vote will reflect that. So he wants to sack the PM and be given the position of temporary PM. The last person given a position of temporary PM was Adolph Hitler and look what happened there. Jeremy if your ideas have a taste of your look. Disaster will struck. Go and have a shave and make yourself look respectful. Not with you in charge. Communists and Marxists not welcome. Your past deeds have caught you up and you are still the same man. All this man wants is no 10 and power! His own allies will stop that ! He’s a dangerous individual.
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