Noisy le grand is not Paris . It’s one of those horrible suburban towns full of crime and drugs. Goes to show hand gun bans only effect the law abiding as they are banned in France but this waiter found out the hard way criminals don’t abide by the law. "Some residents, however, said there had been an upsurge of crime in the area with an increase of drug-dealing and drunkenness on the streets." I wonder could be causing this? Possibly the unchecked mass immigration of violent people? I can feel the gunmans impatience, but too kill him is only slowing the sandwich down even more, Sorry for sarcasm but what the hell is going on in the world, something desperately needed to be done sooner rather than later. I am sure that was not over stupid sandwich. The shooter came there with intention to kill. Claiming that it was over sandwich is just his sarcasm. Why do some people on here think it's amusing to post silly comments. My daughter is a server in a restaurant. To think she could be killed because someone doesn't get their food fast enough makes me feel sick. What a world we've become.
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