Some studies suggest it makes it more possible for people to die when they take it plus there are side effects. It’s not real to some until it is real. Look up the Richard “ Rick” Rose in Ohio who thought it was a joke too. Michelle Arline it's absurd people still tend to believe the virus is not real, only the victims are convinced Gideon Armstrong exactly! We have had 2 family members pass from the virus. It’s not a joke. we must follow all precautions and be extraordinary careful whether it's real or not, we all know it's harmful and that's settles it allSo what are you trying to do? Scare tactics so nobody ever leaves their house? It's a virus-like every other virus! We dealt with viruses before. Can't shut down the country! People are losing their businesses! It’s not a virus like every other virus! It’s a highly infectious virus without a therapeutic or vaccine available for the general population. Deb Knauff Their spinning their election narrative.
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