Ok, but what about all the shops that have paid out for signs, etc with 2 meters on them? You just know that the price of printing them was increased to cash in on it. A d not they got to go and get more signs etc done? Where I work in has paid way over the top for signage. The printing company said the price reflects the demand. A3 labels normally £2-£3 now £12-18! So made up own ones, printed and laminated. Whenever I go shopping even though there are arrows and markings a lot of people totally ignore the 2-meter rule once you manage to get in and deliberately stop in the aisles so you have to pass them too close. Masks should be left for medical people, I think a lot of people don't realize how limited masks are? Wash your hands, cough into your elbow and social distance, I believe masks last from roughly 90 seconds to 6 or 8 minutes?
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