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Fishing Never underestimate an old man with big rod vintage shirt

 Once again you stir the pot, you really want to divide this country don't you, and you have the cheek to charge us for your bias hate-filled media, time for all to see sense and refuse to pay for this hateful corporation. show me the proof he wasn't picked because of his ethnicity before you start throwing insults around, Gobshite The BBC don't create the news, they report it. The campaign exists and they have done a story about it. Should they ignore it because you're a bit precious about this sort of thing? Spot-on, and well said. The sooner the BBC goes down the pan the better with English history of racism towards black players are you shocked, black even in the 70s and 80s had massive racial abuse, so in the 20s it would have happened since when has the truth divided? Only in the minds of backward people who are themselves filled with hate.

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