They should guarantee pensions, they get a full pension even if they’ve only worked a month, I had to work thirty years or longer to get mine. That's not even close to being a true lady, do your homework and find out how truly wrong your statement is!Mo$cow Mitch, self-proclaimed grim reaper, at it again. This coming from a man whose state of Kentucky is one of the poorest in the nation. I wish I had a job where I could decide what I wanted to do or not wanted to do. Job too tough? Quit. And forget him by December. Change is coming Nov. 3, 2020, when we DUMP THE TRUMP and The Trump Clown Show replaced Jan 20, 2021. Hey Moscow Mitch why don't you start with paying back all the money your Dictator leader has spent on golf trips first. The rank ( completely undeserved) currently in the WH is not going to be there much longer anyway lol I'm watching the slow painful death of the Republican party How ‘bout? He does still represent a state, right? Like, he signed on to represent the interests of those people in his state in the Senate, right?
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