Yes, Joeline. We have no concept of what we’ve been missing out on! If only black voices had listened to. If only they had been recorded and added to the body of American literature, instead of now being researched when they are all but gone. How much richer American culture would be. There are more children’s books where the main characters are animals then there are children of color. So take a seat, that's on you, or your librarian. There's a LOT of juvenile literature that features black and other POC. I can think of 3 Newberry Award winners off the top of my head, and I'm pretty certain there's plenty that has won the Coretta Scott King Award. No sugar I take no seats ever I stand in what I speak. Watch how I do no I was not looking for famous people but Maya Angelou is a good example. Listen so you know a couple of people who are of interest so what. What is your point lady What seems racist is that there were no children's books representing these kids.
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