No one is safe until EVERYONE is safe. Fredson Mutebi so that means the richer country has bought up all the stock so the poorer countries cant get hold of it. Then when we have mo use for it we will donate it to the poorer countries under 'Aid for trade' which means they will be forced to give discounted trade deals to the UK (Boris's cronies) on the understanding we will donate vaccines, they used to call this extaution. Lynn Knowler I wouldn't call call missing 5 emergency meetings and ignoring your own scientists asvise, giving your mates contracts for hospital PPE and intentensive care equipment who were not qualified/equipped to make them and ended up not fulfilling those contracts and making the ones they did supply substandard and dangerous even though the appropriate companies were offering to do it at half the price of said mates, or building nightingale hospitals knowing full well that couldn't be used because there wasn't enough people to staff them, going back on student nurse contracts before I they'd even finished the contracts and more, a mistake.
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