Americans are tired of a traditional good speakers, great orator, smooth-talking lying through teeth politician that doesn't do the talk and promises when get elected. We want free-spirited, no boundaries, be himself, not a well-trained corrupt politicians that do the actions for our country. Congratulations Mr president! Your debate was full of charisma and thoughtfulness. Biden didn't stand a chance! This debate means nothing, we will mail in which a lot have people already voted, before the debate, I would be worried about the people who show up in person like me to vote. If you go out and vote for one of these BAFFOONS on Nov 3rd, you are not any better than them! They tried to clown on trump and he still won the last election. I will never forget that day! The shock on people’s faces. If Trump wins then America is done and dusted so plz don't vote for trump instead dump trumps think Trump won this debate and is a very smart man. Biden almost cried 2 times. LolMalcolm Smith, obviously you do not know the objectives of debates.
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