CNN=shi+.God Help them All for their Ignorance TRUMP 2020Trump 2020 Hey liberals do you just hate Trump or do you hate Republicans, white people, all people, America, babies, jobs, money? What is it that drives your hate? Y’all Nancy Pelosi’s trip to the beauty salon and BLM and Antifa’s violent protests are proof that masks and social distancing are bs unless you’re immune-compromised or elderly with underlying health problems. I know what's going don't like the president did they praise the never Not true. CNN just doesn’t like it when Trump lies, cheats, steals, commits felonies, attacks veterans, etc etc etc. hahaha you like CNN fake Oh so you don’t believe Trump lied to the American people? And that’s not his voice saying he lied? Or that he didn’t say veterans are losers and suckers? nobody’s a mad snowflake. Go back to Cebu. I’m sure you pal Duterte is waving hey dude watch CNN the real news network.
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