So proud of the 5th Grade 2019 Bad Puggy Pug Charge Graduation Premium shirt officers, every time they go to work they put their lives on the line to protect the public, thank you to all police officers out there. This is what a true superstar looks like! I know this family is honored to meet him but I can guarantee he was more honored then the family was! Protect our boy in blue! I love John Cena any day. Officer Duzel my prayers are with u. U are truly a Hero. God Bless this wonderful cop! Our cops risk their lives and they get the disrespect from a bunch of punks! Don't get me started! I'm too sleepy to post a page! Very honorable work. And, to think, there are two laugh-reacts. Not really big fan of him but Cena always one of the nicest WWE performers to the fans outside the ring. he always performed charities to the community, mostly to the unlucky kids.
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